FaltyDL is back once again on Planet Mu after last year’s two very well received full length releases for the label ‘Love Is A Liability’ and the ‘Bravery EP’. He’s been busy working on tracks and remixes, building his reputation as a DJ and a producer.
Phreqaflex is actually the first of two EPs which show Falty apply his sound and signatures to two older types of music. This one is the 2-Step EP, ‘Endeavour’ released in September is Falty’s take on house music.
The three tracks here are as tough as hell, built for tearing up dancefloors, which make them a step away from Falty’s previous Mu releases. The bold ‘Phreqaflex’ has keyboard stabs, shuffling drums and glassy pads while ‘Because You’ uses triggered samples that fade and warp into the background over stormy chords, a huge bassline and a stop start melody backed by razor sharp drums.
Last but by no means least is ’My Friends Will Always Say…’, the most experimental and poppy track on the EP with a straight forward sampled melody line over off-key chords and worldless vocal lines slipping in and out of the track, while all kinds of details fight for attention in the mix.
01 Phreqaflex
02 Because You
03 My Friends Will Always Say…