Venetian Snares, currently out on bail, once again makes a way better Venetian Snares record than you could ever make! Detrimentalist, Venetian Snares’ 332nd official studio album of disgusting ejacutronic rave horn is fresh off the bakery truck to pluck out your brain cells and replace them with inescapable k-hole oblivion! This is really a roots record for Mr.Snares, revisiting those days when jungle was more about energy and experimentation than a strict formula. Those days before they took out all the good bits between the kicks and the snares! More and more snares between the snares from Snares, this is jungle at it’s most invigorating! Aaron “sparkling water” Funk is not watering it down this time, these beats shoot thick and sticky! Bass that makes your colon drop like you grew a new nut out your ass! Over 20 people were harmed in the creation of this record! If you want some kinda IDM bloop beats with a bunch of effeminate pads off your fucking nord or something then you will hate this record. All tracks produced on just 45 laptops and 81 midi synthesizers!
Artwork by Arnold Steiner aka AS1 Projects. CD contains 2 bonus tracks.
01 Gentleman
02 Koonut-Kaliffee
03 Sajtban
04 Kyokushin
05 Eurocore MVP
06 Poo Yourself Jason
07 Circle Pit
08 Flashforward
09 Bebikukorica Nigiri
10 Miss Balaton