The king of mashcore returns for yet another journey through the sound of mashedupgabbaravehardcore, Shitmat style. As the name suggests, Grooverider is highly influenced by the uk rave scene and sees Shitmat move to a more serious, hard jungle sound with less random samples (although Tina Turner, Britney Spears, and The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe still manage to make an appearance).
Another classically rungleclotted, ass kicking selection to follow up the 9000+ selling Full English Breakfest, Grooverider is set to destroy dancefloors worldwide and is a must for the discerning breakcore connoisseur.
01 ’94 Abyss
02 Pump The Kin
03 Beastiality
04 More Fire (’93 Ting Mix)
05 All Falls Down
06 E Is For Evildarkshadowsthatlurkonthedancefloor
07 Benson & Hedges
08 Zagreb
09 More Fire
10 The Aomen
11 Xenace The Menace (*vinyl & digital only)
12 That Track