![ProEXR File Description
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A (float)
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R (float)](https://planet.mu/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/ZIQ393_Mr.Mitch_Devout_Remixes-650x650.jpg)
Mr. Mitch follows up his popular ‘Devout’ album with this extended EP of great remixes by his producer friends. Each artist really shows off their ability to turn their hand to making strong pop music. Mechatok kicks off proceedings with catchy opaque chords and glistening tones on his gorgeous remix of ‘VPN’ featuring Palmistry. Tarquin’s remix of ‘Our Love’ is jubilant, with fireworks and pouring champagne fx, climaxing over a joyful melody. µ-Ziq’s remix of ‘My Life’ has a slow-motion r&b feel, with flanged chords and a sweeping house beat. Silk Road Assassins treat ‘VPN’ to a widescreen trap-influenced re-rub, while Murlo picks up the energy with his take on ‘Fate’ featuring Denai Moore, which he switches up with a bouncy rhythm reminicent of garage, with lush flute arpeggios fluttering in the background. Perennial broken beat producer Mark Force turns ‘Priority’ into a focused pulsing rush, taking P Money’s vocals and chopping them into brusing motivational quotes. An inspired collection.
01 VPN ft. Palmistry (Mechatok Remix)
02 Our Love (Tarquin Remix)
03 My Life (µ-Ziq Remix)
04 VPN ft. Palmistry (Silk Road Assassins Remix)
05 Fate ft. Denai Moore (Murlo Remix)
06 Priority ft. P Money (Mark Force Remix)