Slugabed is Gregory Feldwick, originally from Bath:
i am 20 years old, nearly 21.
i like synths and compression. also a fan of kicks and snares. hats are good too.
i make music in the mornings.
i kaboom shows in the evenings.
i like food and eat a lot but am still long and tall and thin.
i live in brighton right down near the sea.
i make music on fruityloops 4 as i have done since i was 14 or so. only im better at it these days.
still not quite got it.
i like portamento and arpeggio
my music has been described as “good” by some people.
it sounds like lazer battles in the future but everyone says something like that.
get a quote off starkey or jamie or someone everyone likes and tell them to say its good.
hope that helps