Uniform is Wajid Yaseen of Mute industrial electronics act 2nd Gen. His second Uniform album “Protocol” is 12 tracks of electronic fragmented fury and beauty and the rantings of a weird and wondrous list of collaborators including Lydia Lunch, Alan Vega from Suicide, Terry Edwards, Dalek and more, with sleeve art by Franko B.
01 Sex Is A Contract, History Is A Trick (Feat. Lydia Lunch)
02 Lucid Lucid Lucid
03 Day 7 In The Season Of Mistakes (Feat. Olga Naiman)
04 A Swollen Vendetta (Feat. Dalek)
05 Are Faces Objects? (Feat. Alice Kemp)
06 If
07 The Cynics Lantern
08 No One Saw The Difference (Feat. Franko B)
09 Warmth Is Ebbing From Things
10 When The Sun Turns To Numbers (Feat. Alan Vega)
11 The Symbolist (Feat. Terry Edwards)
12 He’s Above His Station