Debut album from Los Angeles Edward Ma: Ed Ma’s first album as edIT features tracks that have been painstakingly sequenced, hiphop that takes glitchiness to the extreme. The style of the album takes cues from Prefuse 73, but taken to another level. Yet it is not really the tricky programming that really pops out at you – it’s the soulfulness and smoothness with which each track is glued together from extremely small snippets of sound. The opener features an electric piano first noodling then exploding into a shower of digital particles, It’s all put together with the ear of an expert artist. Guitars peek around the edge of many of the pieces, and there is a homage to both underground beats and more g-orientated swissbeatz styles going on. Perhaps the album’s only shortcoming is its relentless pace of all things digital and beautiful, that can be almost too much to bear. Crying over pros for no reason is emotional, instrumental hiphop at its finest – looking forward with its digital edge but also beating with a warm analog heart.
01. Ashtray
02. Ants
03. Laundry
04. Situps Pullups
05. Dex
06. Twenty Minutes
07. Screening Phone Calls
08. Mop Head
09. Ltlp
10. Mildew