A collection of works by Birmingham – based musician and contemporary composer Ed Lawes. He divides the works between ‘pieces’ (generally scored for or improvised on more traditional instruments) and ‘tracks’ (which can be generalised as more computer-based or ‘electroacoustic’ works).
The pieces include studies for violin, double bass and tenor saxophone and works for mixed ensemble among other things. The performances, recordings and improvisations are carefully edited and processed, layered and combined to form these pieces (and tracks); for whatever reason there is a tremendous depth of emotion within them, Brief references: Ligeti, Stockhausen, Autechre, Anthony Braxton.
01. Actually Real
02. More Time Honoured
03. Bowed / Caused
04. Fewer Ways / More Ways / 24v.a.ish
05. Unlevel/r
06. Brief Junk
07. Aclear
08. An Ordered Set
09. Tone
10. F/S Bowl / Fourths And Fifths
11. Obstacles
12. Oohs Pastiche
13. Middle
14. Four Changes On Non-Themes